Month 3 Medium Earnings Revealed — $431.97
Time passes quickly — I’ve already been writing on here for 3 months

It only seems like yesterday since I signed up to write here. Oh, how quickly time flies. This month I earned enough to pay almost our whole rent for the month. It’s pretty amazing what you can achieve working part-time online.
I’m writing this on 1 February, which is Chinese New Year, hence the image above.
Last month I was a little worried because my top-performing story was around 50% of my earnings, as it was in November as well. It was also a large percentage of my views and reads. This was bound to fade away sooner or later and that is exactly what happened in January.
My top earning story dropped to around 26% of the total. That’s more sustainable going forward. I don’t like having to rely on just one story for most of my earnings.
Fortunately, a few other stories took up the slack. However, January ended up slightly worse, although the figures still held up fairly well.
The final figures were as follows: 34 stories. 14,113 views. 7,126 reads. 1,290 followers. 31 email subscribers. 5 referred members. $431.97 earned.
In November I earned $92.88, which averages at $4.89 per day over the 19 days that I was in the Medium Partner Program. In December I earned $468.28, which averaged at $15.10. In January the average dropped to $13.93. I can live with that.

Despite the small drop, I’m still in the top 5% of earners, so I’m happy with that.
My stats for January
Here are my stats for January 2022, my third full month on Medium.
Stories Published: 34 (down from 38 in December)
Views: 14,113 (down from 16,045)
Reads: 7,126 (down from 8,127)
Followers: 1,290 (up from 865)
Subscribers: 31 (up from 22)
Referred members: 5 (down from 6)
Earnings: $431.97 (down from $468.28)

Note that the image above doesn’t align properly with the real figures as t only shows the last 30 days.
January Summary
In January I continued with what I was doing in previous months. This was mainly publishing an average of at least one story a day and learning from what successful writers are doing.
To date, I’ve seen most successful writers publish stories daily, but I was intrigued by a post from Denys Opria in which he mentions that he earned $1,700 in his second month while only publishing 16 articles. This has given me some food for thought. Maybe I need to adjust my strategy slightly. We’ll see.
The number of articles I published dropped slightly. This was mainly because we moved into a new condo. We’ll be staying here for a month or two before setting off on our travels around Europe/Asia. Moving doesn’t do much for sticking to your routines. I still managed to average over one post per day though.

1,290 Followers & 31 Subscribers & 5 referrals
I ended December with 1,290 followers. That’s an increase of 437 from December. I now have 31 subscribers (up 8) and 5referrals (down 1). The referrals are disappointing because I got 3 new referrals but 4 existing referrals canceled their Medium membership. We can’t expect every month to be an up month though.
What worked for me in January
It was the same as the previous months. Nothing much changed, as my plan was generally to just keep doing what’s already working.
But if I keep doing the same things I’ll get the same results. This is great up to a point, but I also want to grow. That means I also need to do things differently.
That brings me to the exciting new development.
What’s next for me?
Like last time, I’ll continue doing what works.
I’ll keep writing and publishing every day — unless I have a change of heart.
I’ll keep submitting to my favorite publications but also try a few new ones.
I’ll keep learning from the successful writers on here.