
How Much I Earn Per 1,000 Views And 1,000 Reads

This is a quick and easy way to calculate your approximate earnings

Photo by author

I love digging into statistics like that because it gives me a good overview of what I need to aim for.

I would like to increase my earnings to $500 a month initially, then to $1,000, and then to $5,000. But what do I need to do to get there?

Before I start I want to point out that I know we get paid for reading time and not views or reads. But that’s not a very useful metric for me. It also takes more effort to find that data.

I also know that external views don’t qualify for any earnings. So views from external sources won’t count. It doesn’t matter though.

I prefer to focus on the big picture. I like to keep things very simple. That means I can make quick calculations in my head and get on with my work of writing. I don’t want complicated formulas and distractions.

All I need is simple, high-level data.

So, what have I discovered so far.

I only got accepted onto the Medium Partner Program on 12 November. My initial data is for the 32 days up to 13 December.

I know the data will fluctuate month to month, so I’ll be keeping an eye on the figures. I don’t expect them to change too drastically though. This isn’t meant to be anything other than a high-level view.

Views & Reads

Over the last 32 days, I’ve had…


6,378 reads

I’ve earned $273.94.

That means I earned $22.39 per 1,000 views and $42.95 per 1,000 reads.

How many views do I need to get to $500, $1,000, and $5,000?

To get to $500 a month I need to get 22,331 views.

To get to $1,000 a month I need to get 44,662 views.

To get to $5,000 a month I need to get 223,314 views.

In the last week or so I’m average around 500 views per day. That would put me on target to earn $335 over a full month.

To get to 1,000 I need to triple my current views.

What I need to figure out next is how to do that. I guess the simple way would be to write 3 times the amount of articles I’ve been writing so far. All other things being equal, that should also increase my earnings by the same amount.

Another option is to see what types of articles have been getting the most views. I can then write more of those and less of the unsuccessful ones.

Over time, I’ll have more articles written, so that should also increase my views.

The referral is another source of income that grows over time. As that grows, I’ll need less income from the views to reach my targets.

My Plan

I will focus on writing more articles, as that is the most obvious way to increase views.

I’ll also write more of the types of articles that have been working for me.

The referral income should take care of itself.

After another month, I’ll check to make sure that what I’m doing is working. I also do my best to come up with other ideas to increase views.

I’m still in the experimenting stage, so don’t have all the answers.

If you have any ideas for increasing views, please leave a comment.

What are you doing to increase your views?

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