1 Month On Medium, $92.88 Earned, 6,635 Views
I’m blown away by my amazing start

38 stories. 6,635 views. 3,749 reads. 10,656 claps. 333 followers. 7email subscribers. 2 referred members. $92.88 earned.
I joined Medium and published my first story on 30 October. I’ve hit the road running!
Having read many beginner stories, I was expecting a very slow start. As we now need 100 followers to even start earning money, I thought that wouldn’t be achieved until maybe month 2 or 3.
But I was truly blown away by how well the first month went.

Maybe all those stories of Medium going downhill and not being worth it are just not true at all. They don’t seem to be true for me. Unless this is just a case of beginner’s luck. I hope not.
My earnings of $92.88 were for the period 12–30 November, so that’s just 19 days. If I earned at the same rate for a whole month, that’s the equivalent of $146.65, which would put me in the top 6% of earners on Medium. I’m pretty amazed at such a great start.
The only worrying aspect for me is that my top story is 47% of my earnings. That could easily fade away. If not replaced by an equally good earner, my earnings could drop.
My stats for November
Here are my stats for November 2021, my first full month on Medium.
Stories Published: 38
Views: 6,635
Reads: 3,749
Claps: 10,656
Followers: 333 (+322)
Subscribers: 7
Referred members: 2
Earnings: $92.88 (for 12–30 November)

How did I do so well?
That’s a good question. I don’t think I did anything out of the ordinary. All I did was follow tips from other successful writers. If I can do it, then so can you.
When I started, I planned to publish a story a day, on average. By the end of November, I wanted 32 stories published or submitted. I didn’t care if I missed a day, as long as I caught up later. I was ahead the whole time and finished the month with 38 articles published and 5 in draft status.
The next thing I did was engage with the community. In the first few days, I was reading around 20 articles per day so that I could get the hang of how Medium worked. I also wanted to follow best practices and use every tip that I thought would help me. I have responded 325 times to other stories and responses to mine. I think that helped me gain followers.

My first 100 followers
I reached 100 followers on 11 November and applied for the Medium Partner Program right away. I was accepted the next day. I then set all existing stories to earn.
Around this time I started to see a pattern on which stories were getting the most views, reads, and responses. These were stories about side hustles, making money, and writing.
I decided to double down on those and write fewer of the type that weren’t getting many views.
I also noticed that the articles I submitted to publications were doing much better. Again, I doubled down on what worked and submitted most stories to publications instead of self-publishing.
Then it was just a case of continuing to write every day and engage with the community.
There are so many great writers on this platform, and you can learn an immense amount from them. So I urge you to read their articles and follow their advice.
What’s next for me?
More of the same.
I’ll keep publishing every day. Even over Xmas and New Year.
I’ll keep submitting to publications.
I’ll keep learning from the experts.
I’ll keep moving forward.
Basically I’ll be doubling down on what works for me.
I hope this article will help others. Let me know what you think? Am I on the right track or is it a case of beginner’s luck?
Was it beginner’s luck. See December 2021 Medium Earnings.