
❤️How To Add Emojis To Your Medium Stories ❤️

✔️Simple ✔️Quick ✔️Multiple Categories ✔️

Photo by Seema Miah on Unsplash

I’ve read a few stories on Medium that used emojis to good effect but didn’t know how to add them to my own articles. Now I do know. Read on to find out.

First of all, I should warn you not to overdo this. My title and subtitle above already look ridiculous. I don’t want to see this being overused on Medium.

If everyone started writing their titles like this, Medium would start looking like some kind of kindergarten website.

So, now that I’ve warned you, let’s get into it.

Maybe you want to emphasize a list like this:

☑️ Make your list stand out.

☑️ Clearly show each item.

☑️ Draw attention to each point.

See, that’s much better than the usual list you see. Right?!

Or maybe you want to talk about cats ? or dogs ? or even crocodiles ?.

Maybe you’re writing about your portfolio rising in value ? or even falling in value ?.

Whatever it is, we’ve got you covered.

So, how do you do all of this?

Pay attention closely.

Get a pen and paper ready to take notes.

✔️ Go to emojipedia.org

✔️ Search for the emoji you want

✔️Click ‘copy’ under the Copy and Paste section

✔️ Paste into your Medium story

✔️ That’s it

Easy or what?

Remember: don’t overdo it like I just did.

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