I Bought a Brand New Car With My Medium Earnings
It’s not a Ferrari or Lamborghini, but it will do for now

During my lifetime I’ve owned three cars, all of which were secondhand. But thanks to my Medium earnings, I’ve been able t afford a brand new car for the first time in my life. Woo-hoo!
When I first joined Medium last year, not even in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be able to afford a brand new car just from my writing. But I’ve actually written my way to a new car.
All those hours slogging away and churning out hundreds of articles have finally been worth it.
My wife was also over the moon when I told her last weekend that we were going car shopping.
She owns a car but it’s around 20 years old, so she was pleased that we’d be getting a new one.
A sporty or practical car?
We had a bit of a problem deciding what car to get though. I wanted something a little sporty, while she wanted a more practical car. Her choice is probably the better one because we can use it for some side hustles that we’re planning.
Maybe this time next year we’ll be a 2-car family. A sporty car for me and a practical car for my wife. We might have to move to a bigger property though, as we don’t have space for two cars where we currently live.
Saturday morning came, and we headed out to find the car of our dreams. I was still hoping to persuade my wife to go for a sporty car.
Who do you think won that argument?
We got it
Well, I won’t keep you in suspense any longer because we went ahead and bought a car.
Here it is.
Hang on. Before I show you what we got, maybe you can guess what model we decided on.
Was it a Ford?
A Toyota?
A Honda?
Surely not a Ferrari?
Or a Lamborghini?
Unfortunately, it turned out that I could afford the car but not the gas. I had to settle for a much smaller car.
According to the dealer, gas for this model will cost next to nothing.
Are you ready for the big reveal?
Here’s what I bought…

Do you like it?
Are you impressed?